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T HIS is a companion volume to the

Ramayana published a few months

ago. The credit of bringing this book out
within so short a period is largely due to

within so short a period is largely due to
Pandit Srinivasachariar who has displayed

much alacrity, discernment and skill in his

difficult task of condensing the mighty epic.

The responsible task of translation was

done by Dr. V. Raghavan with considerable

zeal and promptitude and a scrupulous

anxiety to make the translation faithful
as well as readable.

as well as readable.
To my old friend Prof. Radhakrishnan,

ever busy with his great literary and

philosophical pursuits, I am deeply obliged

for the inspiring Foreword.

I have during the last forty years been

responsible for several publications, political,

economic and religious, but I may be

permitted to say that I feel most thankful

that it has been given to me to bring out

these versions of the Ramayana and the


The great Indian Epics are wrought into
'are wrought into
the life of every Indian'. They are indeed

a sacred heritage. I trust the two volumes
will find their way into thousands of homes
as well as schools and colleges.

will find their way into thousands of homes
as well as schools and colleges.
Nov. 1985.