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Ranganatha Inscription of Gōpaṇa
Hail! Prosperity! In the Saka year (expressed
by the chronogram) bandhupriya (i.e. Saka-Samvat
(Verse I). Having brought (the god) from the
Anjanādri (mountain), the splendour of whose darkish
peaks gives delight to the world, having worshipped
(Him) at Chenchi for some time, then having slain the
Tulushkas whose bows were raised,-Gōpanārya, the
mirror of fame, placing Ranganatha together with both
Lakshmi and the Bū Dēvi in his own town, again duly
performed excellent worship.
(Verse II) Having carried Rangarāja, the Lord of
the world, from the slope of the Vrishabhagiri (moun-
tain) to his capital, having slain by his army the proud
Tulushka soldiers, having made the site of Sriranga
united with the golden age (Kritayuga) and having
placed there this (god) together with Lakshmi and the
Bū Dēvi, the Brahman Gōpaṇa duly performs, like the
lotus-born (Brahma) the worship which has to be