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charge his ministerial duties during Kampaņa's cam-
paigns in the Tamil country when he also stayed in the
Tamil country. His title 'Dannāyaka' had evidently
no military significance but only denoted that he was
engaged in civil affairs during war-period. Sōmappa
helped Kampaņa to inspect and supervise the temples in
the Tamil country so that worship in all the temples
might be conducted as of old. He also helped Kampaņa
to reorganise the temple-precincts.26 (Tirumadi-
Sōmappa had two sons. One was the glorious
Maraya Nayaka and the other was Dharani Appar. We
do not know anything about the second son except that
he is mentioned in an inscription. But Māraya Nayaka
distinguished himself very creditably by his exploits the
chief of them being his capture of the Rajagambhīra
fortress and defeat of the last Sambūvarāya ruler. 27 He
well deserved the title 'Aliyā Aran Alitta'28 which he
assumed or which he was given for he fulfilled a part
of Kampaņa's mission in the Tamil country. In memory
of his historic victory over the Sambūvarāya he con-
structed a huge Gopura and named it Gandarguli
Māraya Nayaka-tiru-Gopuram.
26. Cf. A.R.E., 34 of 1919. Marakanam (S. Arcot). Reference to
Tirumadaivilagam and a newly formed street'. Also A.R.E., 203 of
1921 at Serkad (Saka 1283 or 1361 A.D.). Registers free colonisation
of the Tirumadaivilagam at the instance of Sōmappa Udaiyar "for
the continuity of the rule of Kampana." And A.R.E.. 203 of 1931-32
Somappa is also mentioned along with Annar Goppannar in the
Koyilolugu (cf.: Introduction by Mr. T. A. Gopinatha Rao to the
27. Cf. A.R.E., Nos. 267 and 268 of 1919 dated 1363.
28. Cf. Chapter: Vijayanagar Invasions of Tondaimandalam.