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calculation. All that he could do was to set fire to the
temple. Madhurai appeared to him to be too distant
and unsafe a place for any lengthy halt. So he had to
be more on the defensive in Madhurai. The Pāndyan
princes forgot their private quarrels at this hour of
danger and under the leadership of Vikrama Pāndya
launched an attack on the invading Muslims. This
time Malik Kafur sustained a crushing defeat and had
to beat a hasty retreat. But by now he had accumulated
in his Southern raids a fabulous booty and he carried
it safe to Delhi. In recognition of the loyal help that
Ballala III rendered to Malik Kafur, Alauddin decorat-
ed the Hoysala ruler's son at a special Durbar and
presented him with the usual robes of honour.
Not a small number of historians have exaggerated
the significance of the raids of Malik Kafur. The
Tarikh-i-Firoz-Shahi mentions a larger booty than that
mentioned by the Tarikh-i-Alai quoted above: The in-
vasion of Malik Kafur had of course no political
significance but as a brilliant military raid it had caused
as much havoc as one could imagine.
Thus troubles had set in for the South with the
expedition of Malik Kafur. In 1323 there was another
invasion of the South by the Muslims of Delhi during
the reign of Ghiyasuddin Tughlak when the Mussal-
mans succeeded in establishing a Viceroyalty for the
7. Elliot and Dowson-Vol. III, p. 204. "The army reached Delhi
bringing with it six hundred and twelve elephants ninety-six thousand
"No one could remember anything like it nor was there
anything like it recorded in history."