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"May the sun of your prowess in battle wipe

off the smile of moon-light from the faces of the drunken

Yavana ladies."

"Dharma is in great distress by being now sub-

jected to the scorching influence of the evil-natured

Yavanas, and earth in consequence looks parched, as

it were; and so may you, by the rain of enemies' blood,

allay the latter's sufferings."

"May this sword of yours feast the evil spirits

such as katas, puūtanas and yātudhānas with the blood

flowing down from the headless trunks of your evil


"May you erect many a pillar of triumph in

the middle of Rāmasētu by dealing destruction to the

Turuşka lord who is wedded to nothing but evil do-
ings and who therefore is to be regarded as the thorny

ings and who therefore is to be regarded as the thorny
shrub of the three worlds."

"The Kāvēri like a tamed female elephant will
regain her normal course in the proper pace only

regain her normal course in the proper pace only
if when you become supreme Governor, Oh Your


(N. B.--Only the slokas available in the printed

book in whole are translated here and as in the original

no numbers are given.)

Thus ends the eighth canto of Viīrakamparāya

çaritam, called Madhurāvijayam, composed by Gangā
