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PREFSouth assumed a great importance during the period of
political vacuum immediately following Malik Kafur's
South Indian raids.
reconstruction and consolidation
of the territory was no easy task and the emergence of
the Vijayanagar kingdom was thus a great blessing and
a boon to the chaotic south. That this work of re-
construction and consolidation was inaugurated by
Kampaṇa, the hero of this poem, is of especial interest
to us.
Some of the chronological problems of the period
South assumed a great importance during the period of
e been givacuum immediately following Malik Kafur's
South Indian raid
en what the editor will permit himself to
call acceptable solution
s. A reconstruction and consolidation
of the territory was no easy task and the emergence of
the Vijayanagar kingdom was thus a great blessing and
a boon to the chaotic south. That this work of re
brief account of the condi-
construction and consolidation was inaugurated by
Kampaņa, the hero of this poem, is of especial interest
to us.
Some of the chronological problems of the period
have been given what the editor will permit himself to
call acceptable solutions. A brief account of the condi-

tion of the Tamil country between 1311 and 1371 has

been given and much of the information may be found
to be new.

to be new.
The editor owes a duty to three great historians

of India, one of whom alone is happily in our midst.

Dr. S. Krishnaswami Aiyangar and Dewan Bahadur

C. S. Srinivasachariar, both of hallowed memory,

enthused the editor in the work which he had taken up

with great diffidence; and what should have been offer-

ed at the feet of these two great savants of our country

by their humble student can, by their passing away,

only be dedicated to their memory. Dr. N. Venkata-

ramanayya, the great authority on Vijayanagar history

who is happily with us, gave the editor no small
encouragement and to him he owes a great debt of

encouragement and to him he owes a great debt of
The editor is grateful to the late Dr. K. V. Reddi

Naidu Garu during whose regime as Vice-Chancellor

this work was accepted by the University for publica-

tion. Dr. C. P. Ramaswami Iyer was instrumental in