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the same for lotuses and thus cause obstruction to your

speedy going."

9. "Look you here, friend, this thirsty deer which

eagerly approaches you mistaking the brilliance radiat-

ing from your finger-nails for water, will surely move

away in shame, once the mistake is found out."

10. "You, moon-faced dear, move not a step lest

you knock against the moon-stone wall. But the reflec-

tion of your lotus-like face has already entered it."

11. "Oh, my foolish friend, why do you walk so

slow? You don't seem to realise that your roguish

lover will exploit this to court the company of other

women. For, this pleasure-forest, darkish with such
thick dust of fresh flowers, is eminently fitted for secret

thick dust of fresh flowers, is eminently fitted for secret
meeting even in day time.

12. "Oh friend, I know you walk very fast so that

you may overtake your lover in order to look back and

see his face. But you don't seem to realise that women

in their minds have the lover's face always in front of


13. "I know you could not walk fast because of

your burdensome breasts. But, friend, walk fast you

must." (Slōkā incomplete).*

57. The king splashed water on a lotus in the

pleasure lake. And this made a lady cast on him angry

looks of jealousy, the fringes of her eye-lashes wet with

58. As the king touched nicely the upper part of

a lady's thigh underneath the water, she feigned fish-

*Slökäōkās 14 to 56 missing.