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48. The young women guarding rice fields sang

the spotless fame of the king, decked as their persons
were with garlands of pearls that had come out of the

were with garlands of pearls that had come out of the
bursting of ripe red sugarcane.

49. Elephants in rut, again and again, pulled the
chains with which they were fastened, as forest winds

chains with which they were fastened, as forest winds
laden with the smell of blossoming saptaparṇa trees

blew over their bodies.

50. Everywhere forest grounds were adorned

with blossoming Ciīna roses. And as the latter stirred in

the wind, it seemed as if, by orders of the king, they were

waving auspicious flame to his victorious horses before
any others did.

any others did.
51. Then making the nights long, as if to please

the amorous king who loved to enjoy night sports very
much, there came the dewy season.

much, there came the dewy season.
52. Lotus clusters were hit by snow and the

moon became pale in colour. Only the faces of the

king's beloved consorts gained unmatched charm.

53. The royal ladies, as they shivered in cold,

seemed to be in an uninterrupted state of love passion.

the hairs in their breasts always standing on end, and
their mouths always uttering murmuring sounds.

their mouths always uttering murmuring sounds.
54. The king's beloveds made him fancy that they

were decking their hair with pearls, in season and out
of season, as the cluster of their curls were always

of season, as the cluster of their curls were always
dressed with the white blossoms of jasmine.

55. The king loved to remain in his inner apart-
ments, sweetly scented with agaru fumes, in company

ments, sweetly scented with agaru fumes, in company