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worthy part of Sriī Rāma in reducing him you will be

rendering a service to the world and allay affliction."

44. Having delivered this speech, the king stop-

ped, even as the cloud does after pouring down its

watery contents. The prince bowed low, and took to

heart, like the good son he was, the advice of his father.

45. Then the king took off invaluable ornaments
from his own person and adorned the prince with them.

from his own person and adorned the prince with them.
And, after fixing, that the latter should start on his vic-

torious expedition on the next day, he retired to his
own apartments in an elated mood.

own apartments in an elated mood.
46. The sun, as if anxious to inform the serpent

king who bore this earth (Sēṣa) that his burden would

soon be lightened, sank in haste into the nether regions.

47. The prince, after finishing his daily worship

of the sandhya, and after acquainting his eager attend-
ants with the commands of his father and dismissing

ants with the commands of his father and dismissing
them, entered his private apartments to enjoy the com-

pany of his beautiful princesses.

Thus ends the third canto of Virakamparāya

çaritam, called Madhurāvijayam, composed by Sri Ganga