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"Rulers of earth, who are men of action, and
my hereditary friends, in whose heart no malice dwells,

my hereditary friends, in whose heart no malice dwells,
and who, though unostentatious, are famed in quelling

rebellious spirits are now camping near you here by

my command, my dear son!

39. "You know you are surrounded now by an

ocean-like army. Horses in thousands act as its waves,

elephants in rut appear in its midst like huge islands,

and destructive weapons like sharks abound in its


40. "So, I would ask you to exhibit your manli-

ness and ever increasing prowess and strike at your

enemies and subdue them, even as the Lord of the Gods

(Indra) did in the case of the (winged) mountains,

enraged at their efforts to destroy the world.

41. "So, you had better march successfully to

Tundiīra (Tondaimandala) and overcome the people

headed by the Champa (Sambuvarāya) who are pre-

paring for war. Then establish yourself at Kānci and

rule there, with due regard to the wishes of the people,

even like the Lord of Wealth (Kubēra) does in the city

of Alaka.

42. "Then if you subdue all the Vanya kings, it
would be easy for you to break the power of the

would be easy for you to break the power of the
Turuşka. Would it be difficult for the fire that had
consumed with its flames hundreds of branches of a

consumed with its flames hundreds of branches of a
tree, to destroy the trunk also?

43. "This Turuska is acting like Ravana in regard

to the Southern Kingdoms. If you play the praise-