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32. "Subjects are the wealth of kings. When that

is so, who could think of inflicting a reign of terror on

them by having recourse to brutal punishments?

Nobody would go up a tree and apply the axe to its


33. "An idiot who, in blind ignorance, throws

away wealth as gifts to the undeserving-wealth which
-wealth which
is indispensable for the upkeep of dharma-really
throws oblations that deserve to be used in holy sacri
throws oblations that deserve to be used in holy sacri-
fices, into the fire that is consuming a dead body.

34. Ignorance-ridden monarchs overcome by

vices such as these--vices, which, like consumption, eat

into the body politic--become in course of time objects

of contempt to their enemies.

35. "Those fools that are not able to preserve by

their good qualities wealth begotten by them on account

of merit in previous birth are to be likened to monkeys

in whose hands a garland of flowers has been given.

The former, like the latter in their unbalanced state,

know only to destroy what they have been given.

36. "But youth like you who have their intelli-
gence duly shaped and purified by instruction received

gence duly shaped and purified by instruction received
from proper gurus know how to keep away from vices

and act always in the proper manner.

37. "It behoves you, therefore, to take courage in

both hands, consider the pros and cons of everything

deeply, and act in such a way that the goddess of pros-

perity, notorious for her fickle mind, does not turn

aside from you even for a moment.