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"When the tree of egotism puts forth its

shoots, it dries up the springs of mercy. The dawning

of youthhood is really the vanishing of light from the

intellect; and how can one have anything like proper

perception at such a dark hour?

26. "Youth deprived of discretion, and rulers
blinded by prosperity, going their own way, soon became

blinded by prosperity, going their own way, soon became
the favourites of danger which overtakes them as a

night of eclipse does in the case of full moon.

27. Which wise man would trust women who are

the abode of all foibles and who are like nets ensnaring

the mind resembling the frolic-blind deer?

28. "All that a gambler has-fruitful earth, valu-

able ornaments, riches, and even his own body, his

strength, his wives and his sons-does not belong to

him, but belongs to others.

29. "Which wise man will indulge in hunting wild

beasts risking in vain his own life? Those that know

characterise it as a bottomless pit into which kings, like

rut-elephants, fall in their unguarded state.

30. "When the intoxication of youthhood is on,

and when wealth is making one falter at every step,

who could think of getting into the habit of drinking?

It would be like getting a bad complication in typhoid


31. "However much you may be wedded to doing

good, popularity could never be gained if you are in the

habit of bursting into harsh words. A cloud may give

welcome showers; but, at the same time, no one will

cease dreading its lightning and thunder.