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unbroken line of succession, the king enjoyed the

immense pleasures befitting his royal rank yet with

complete detachment.

73. Like Lakṣmi to Nārāyaṇa and Pārvati to

Śankara, queen Devāyi was to the king the chosen


74. Though the king had other wives also, she

alone became the object of his love and regard, even as

Rōhiņi to the moon among celestial luminaries.

75. The brave king who was pleasing like the full-

moon to the eyes of the people of Karnāṭa dwelt along

at the city of Vijaya and enjoyed the delights of his

youth with her who was his heart's beloved.

Thus ends the first canto of Virakamparāya çaritam

called Madhurāvijayam, composed by Sri Gangā Dēvi.

Obeisance to Goddess Minākṣi !