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334-335. She transcends the universe and can be
} known only through the Veda.
336-340. Her abode is on the Vindhya mountains;
she is the creator of the world, she is
the source of the Veda; she is the
Maya of Visņu, she is the power that
projects the universe.
341-342. She is the body of all creatures; and she
is also the ruler of the body.
343-345. She rules the soul as well as the body;
she is without increase, without de-
crease, and the soul ever worships her,
346-350. She is ever victorious, pure and adorable;
she loves those who worship her and
she abides in their speech.
351 352.
353-354. To her devotees she is the Kalpa trec
itself, and she releases the ignorant
from their bonds.
Beautiful locks of hair has she, and in a
circle of fire she lives.
355-356. She destroys all heretics and inspires
men to right conduct.
357. She is like the moonlight that gives joy
to those who are burnt by the triple
fires of misery.
358-361. She is ever young and yet she is
worshipped by ascefics; she is slender
in the waist; but she can dispel the
ignorance of men.