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coherence and obscurity When the poet is not required
to show any logical connection he easily succumbs to the
temptation of not conceiving any The besetting draw-
back of many a Sahasranama is that all logical thinking
is sacrificed to the tin gods of alliteration and assonance
Hence we often have more sound than sense Allite-
ration has, no doubt, a special value in such a mnemonic
literary form as the Sahasranama, but when it is secured
at the expense of logical sequence it gives an uncomfort-
able jolt to the mind of the reader who is not content
to be a mere parrot In this respect the Lahtasahasra-
nama is much better than many other Sahasra-
namas There is so much logical connection im-
plied in the names that they easily fall into
sections like those dealing with the physical form
of the Goddess, her fight with Bhandasura, her
different abodes, her manifestations in the chakras
of the human body and so on But there are
also many instances of want of logical sequence.
For instance, the names (Nos 844-846) chandassara,
Sastrasara, mantrasara are followed in the same line by
talodari which means that the goddess is the very
essence of the Vedas, the essence of the Sastras, the
essence of Mantras and that she has a slender waist
Similarly, the very next line when translated literally
would run as follows-Her fame is extensive, her glory
25 boundless and she has the form of the letters of the
alphabet' Instances like these, which give a jolt to the
intelligent reader and a headache to the conscientious
translator, may be multiplied.