2023-02-16 06:27:21 by ambuda-bot
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offerings consist of the notorious pancha-makäras
(matsya, māmsa, madya, mudrã and maithuna).
The samaya-mata is thus pure and noble. It is
associated with the honoured name of Sankara. The
kaulamata also is in many cases inoffensive, for,
generally, harmless substitutes are introduced for the
pancha-makaras. Honey and ginger are used in the place
of wine and a pumpkin or a coconut in the place of
flesh-like pişta-pašu in some of our yajnas. It is only
with the extreme section of Kaulas-called Uttara
Kaulas that all those abominations which have
brought Säktism into disrepute are associated.
When there are two divisions in a sect, it is but
natural that each should consider itself superior to the
other. No wonder therefore that the Kaulas regard
themselves as superior to and more advanced than
the Samayins, as the Samayins regard Kaulamata as
something belonging to the lower classes. The Kulär-
nava Tantra¹, for instance, arranges the main stages of
Tantrik discipline in the following ascending order:-
(1) Vedächāra (2) Vaisnavācāra (3) Šaivācāra
(4) Dakṣiṇāchāra (5) Vämächāra (6) Siddhāntā-
chara and (6) Kaulāchāra.
We are told that the first three stages form, as it
were, an introduction to the fourth, namely, Dakşinā-
सर्वेभ्यश्चोत्तमा वेदा वेदेभ्यो वैण्णवं महत् ।
वैष्णवादुत्तमं शैवं शैवाद्दक्षिणमुत्तमम् ॥
दक्षिणादुत्तमं वामं वामात्सिद्धान्तमुत्तमम् ।
सिद्धान्तादुत्तमं कौलं कौलापरतरं नहि ॥
offerings consist of the notorious pancha-makäras
(matsya, māmsa, madya, mudrã and maithuna).
The samaya-mata is thus pure and noble. It is
associated with the honoured name of Sankara. The
kaulamata also is in many cases inoffensive, for,
generally, harmless substitutes are introduced for the
pancha-makaras. Honey and ginger are used in the place
of wine and a pumpkin or a coconut in the place of
flesh-like pişta-pašu in some of our yajnas. It is only
with the extreme section of Kaulas-called Uttara
Kaulas that all those abominations which have
brought Säktism into disrepute are associated.
When there are two divisions in a sect, it is but
natural that each should consider itself superior to the
other. No wonder therefore that the Kaulas regard
themselves as superior to and more advanced than
the Samayins, as the Samayins regard Kaulamata as
something belonging to the lower classes. The Kulär-
nava Tantra¹, for instance, arranges the main stages of
Tantrik discipline in the following ascending order:-
(1) Vedächāra (2) Vaisnavācāra (3) Šaivācāra
(4) Dakṣiṇāchāra (5) Vämächāra (6) Siddhāntā-
chara and (6) Kaulāchāra.
We are told that the first three stages form, as it
were, an introduction to the fourth, namely, Dakşinā-
सर्वेभ्यश्चोत्तमा वेदा वेदेभ्यो वैण्णवं महत् ।
वैष्णवादुत्तमं शैवं शैवाद्दक्षिणमुत्तमम् ॥
दक्षिणादुत्तमं वामं वामात्सिद्धान्तमुत्तमम् ।
सिद्धान्तादुत्तमं कौलं कौलापरतरं नहि ॥