2023-02-16 06:27:21 by ambuda-bot
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Vamach tra believe that Sakti is always predominant
For them Siva is involved in Sıktı They do not
recognize a separate Siva tattv This is represented
symbolically by the figure of Suva lying under the feet.
of Sahti
(2) The Samains believe that in the kundalini yoga
sahasrara is the goal whereas the followers of Vama
believe that the kundalını Śaktı, after reaching sahasrara
and conferring blies on the sadhaka, comes back to the
muladhara and sleeps there again Hence, while the
Samyins worship the Devi internally as stationed in
sahasrarn the Vamas worship her externally in the two
centres of mulidhar and sydhisthana Muladhara is
otherwise called Kult and the Devi occupying it is called
Kaulini and her worshippers are called Kaulas
(3) For the Samay ins the authoritative scriptures
are the samhitas of Sanaka, Sananda, Sanntkumara,
Suha and Vasışta collectively known as Subha-agama-
panchka For the Kaulas the authorities are Parasura-
ma Sutras and the sixty-four Tantras
(4) The Rise of the Samay ins is Daksinamurti and
their devatas are called Kamestara and Kamešvarı
The Rise of the Kaulas is Bhairava, and their devat s
are called Anandabhaira and Anandabhairava
(5) The external worship of the Samyins is
according to the halpa sutras of the Vedic tradition,
and their offerings consist of milk and fruits The
worship of the haulas on the other hand, is according
to the independent Tantrik rites, involving the worship
of young women-even of naked women, and their
Vamach tra believe that Sakti is always predominant
For them Siva is involved in Sıktı They do not
recognize a separate Siva tattv This is represented
symbolically by the figure of Suva lying under the feet.
of Sahti
(2) The Samains believe that in the kundalini yoga
sahasrara is the goal whereas the followers of Vama
believe that the kundalını Śaktı, after reaching sahasrara
and conferring blies on the sadhaka, comes back to the
muladhara and sleeps there again Hence, while the
Samyins worship the Devi internally as stationed in
sahasrarn the Vamas worship her externally in the two
centres of mulidhar and sydhisthana Muladhara is
otherwise called Kult and the Devi occupying it is called
Kaulini and her worshippers are called Kaulas
(3) For the Samay ins the authoritative scriptures
are the samhitas of Sanaka, Sananda, Sanntkumara,
Suha and Vasışta collectively known as Subha-agama-
panchka For the Kaulas the authorities are Parasura-
ma Sutras and the sixty-four Tantras
(4) The Rise of the Samay ins is Daksinamurti and
their devatas are called Kamestara and Kamešvarı
The Rise of the Kaulas is Bhairava, and their devat s
are called Anandabhaira and Anandabhairava
(5) The external worship of the Samyins is
according to the halpa sutras of the Vedic tradition,
and their offerings consist of milk and fruits The
worship of the haulas on the other hand, is according
to the independent Tantrik rites, involving the worship
of young women-even of naked women, and their