2023-02-16 06:27:19 by ambuda-bot
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sided over by Surya and Saktı kuta presided over by
Soma The mantra, it cannot be too often repeated,
is not a mere formula It is the Devi herself in her
subtle form The Panchadasaksari mantra may be called
the Gayatri of the Sahtas In his book Varivasya
rahasyam Bhaskararaya the celebrated commentator on
the Lalitasahsranama takes pains to point out that this
mantra could, indeed be interpreted in fifteen different
ways so as to establish its identity with the Gayatri,
its identity with the Devi, its identity with the Tattvas,
its identity with Sri Chakra and so on And just as
the Gayatri which is usually said to contain three feet
(tripada) has also fourth foot, which is kept secret
and communicated only to a few adepts, so the fifteen-
syallabled mantra has also a sixteenth syllable which is
kept secret When this sixteenth syllable is also taken
into consideration the mantra is called sodasaksarı
mantra With this background in view we are now
in a position to understand in the Lalitasahasranama
the significance of names like matrika varna rupini,
panchasat pitha rupini, sarvamantra svarupini and the
series-para, pasyantı madhyama vaikharı rupa
The syllables of the Panchadasaksarı mantra are
not given in the Sahasranama either directly or in
directly, but the three kutas of it are mentioned
and identified with the face the trunk and the limbs
of the goddess in the following names
srimad vagbhava kutaika svarupa mukha pankaja,
kanthadhah katıparyanta madhyakuta svarupını saktı
kutatkatapanna katydhobhaga dharini mula mantra
sided over by Surya and Saktı kuta presided over by
Soma The mantra, it cannot be too often repeated,
is not a mere formula It is the Devi herself in her
subtle form The Panchadasaksari mantra may be called
the Gayatri of the Sahtas In his book Varivasya
rahasyam Bhaskararaya the celebrated commentator on
the Lalitasahsranama takes pains to point out that this
mantra could, indeed be interpreted in fifteen different
ways so as to establish its identity with the Gayatri,
its identity with the Devi, its identity with the Tattvas,
its identity with Sri Chakra and so on And just as
the Gayatri which is usually said to contain three feet
(tripada) has also fourth foot, which is kept secret
and communicated only to a few adepts, so the fifteen-
syallabled mantra has also a sixteenth syllable which is
kept secret When this sixteenth syllable is also taken
into consideration the mantra is called sodasaksarı
mantra With this background in view we are now
in a position to understand in the Lalitasahasranama
the significance of names like matrika varna rupini,
panchasat pitha rupini, sarvamantra svarupini and the
series-para, pasyantı madhyama vaikharı rupa
The syllables of the Panchadasaksarı mantra are
not given in the Sahasranama either directly or in
directly, but the three kutas of it are mentioned
and identified with the face the trunk and the limbs
of the goddess in the following names
srimad vagbhava kutaika svarupa mukha pankaja,
kanthadhah katıparyanta madhyakuta svarupını saktı
kutatkatapanna katydhobhaga dharini mula mantra