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rise in the hearts of men to fir purer feelings and
sentiments than the code of chivalry that prevailed in
mediaeval Europe Woodroffe quotes from one of the
Tantras which says, Whosoever has seen the feet of
woman, let him wor hip them as those of his guru.
(Strinam adathm drstva guruvid-bhavayet sada
Kubjika Tantra)
The process of evolution mentioned above was
similar to that earlier process by which the Vedhe gods
gave place in later times to the supreme God of a
nonotheistic faith- Visnuora Siva And, first of all,
just as there were no hard ad fast lmes between one
Vedic god and another, each of the gods fading off
into the others so there were no hard and fast lines
between one goddess and another The famous Vedic
dictum, Elam Sat, vpra bahudha vadanti-(The
Reality is one, the wise speak of it in different ways)-
applied as much to the later goddesses as to the earlier
gods Also, just as Visnu is sud to have descended
several times to punish the wicked Raksasas, 1 Haran
yıkasıpu, a Ravana or Sisupal, so in the parallel
development of the Devi, we have several of her forms
arising to quell the demons of the day-Chandi arising
to quell Mahişasura, Kali coming to hall Chanda and
Munda, and Lalita rising out of the sacrificial fire to
slay Bhanda and his sons And, closely parallel to
the famous Gita passage in which the Bhagavan ex-
plains why He comes down as an Avitar from age to