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605. Go' in Sanskrit has many meanings. It is
best to take the word here to mean 'speech'.
610. The Devi has to be worshipped, according to
the Tantras, on the fifteen days of the bright fortnight
(Sukla pakşa) in the form of Nitya deities-beginning
with Kāmesvari and ending with Chitrā.
622. Klim is the Kamaraja-bija.
626. Tri-pura-Older than the Trimurti. Being the
Para Sakti, she is prior to the Trimurti.
628. She has three qualities-sattva, rajas and
tamas and also three colours-white, red and dark.
Or we may take the three forms to be Iccha-śakti,
Jñana-Sakti and Kriya-śakti (see No. 658).
630. The three syllables here mean the three groups
of syllables in the Panchadasi mantra.
639. Notice the name here is avara-da-one who
slays the wicked Asuras.
647. Lopamudrà is the wife of Agastya. The
Panchadasi mantra is also called Lopamudra mantra
(See Note on No. 238).
662. It is best to take the eight forms here as the
carth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and egoism,
as in the Bhagavad Gita VII. 4.
663. Ajā (the unborn) is avidya, and the Devi is the
conqueror of avidyā.
667. Nos, 667, 668, 672 and 735 show the Advaiti
has is of the Sahasranama.