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545 Pulomaja, the daughter of Rışı Puloma, is the
wife of Indra When Indra lost his kingdom and was
an exile his wife worshipped the Devi and got him
548 Vimarsa is a technical term in Sakta philosophy
to denote the inherent power of vibration in Parama
Siva which gives rise to creation, and prakasa is the
term which denotes the other aspect of Siva-namely,
that of self illumining thought. The Vimarsa sakti not
only creates but also destroys the time process That
is why the Devi is called kala hantri in No 577.
564 Mridani is the wife of Mrida, that 1, Siva.
Mrida means the giver of happiness.
570 The vasanas referred to are (1) loving-
kindness towards friends, (2) compassion towards the
afflicted, (3) complacency towards the good, and (4)
indifference towards the evil
577 Mätrikas are the letters of the alphabet They
are fifty one in number and are supposed to be of
different colours As all mantras and sastras are
formed out of these, the Devi is identified with them
She is also supposed to wear a garland of letters One
of the aspects (called Kailasa-prastara) of Sri chakra
is to identify the various parts of it with the fifty one
letters of the alphabet
587 The sixteen syllabled mantra is got by adding
one syllable (Srim) to the fifteen syllabled mantra
Like the fourth pada of the Gayatri it is taught by the
Guru only to very advanced upasakas