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392. The reference is to the Ardha-närīśvara form.
397 398. Mülaprakriti and Avyakta-both indicate,
according to the Sankhya system, Primal Nature, from
which are derived Mahat, Ahankāra, etc.
405. In the Devi-mahatmyam we read that Siva was
sent as a messenger by the Devi. Hence she is called
here Sivadūtī.
417. Cf. the famous verse in the Devi-mähät-
myam:-ya devi sarvabhūteṣu cetanetyabhidiyate.
424. In the Säkta system the tattvas are thirty-six in
number from Prithivi (earth) to Siva.
425-427. The commentator Bhaskararāyā divides
tattvamayi here into three names-tat + tvam + ayi,
Ayi is the familiar expression used in addressing a
friend. Bhatta Nārāyaṇa, another commentator, more
naturally takes tattvamayi as one name.
428. The five kośas in man according to the Vedānta
philosophy are annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya,
vijnanamaya and anandamaya.
438. Kurukulla is the name of the deity that presi-
des over a well, called vimarśamaya, in Sripura.
439. Kula is a technical name given to the triad—
the measurer, the act of measuring and the object
440. Kulakunda is müladhara which is one of the
abodes of the Goddess.
441. Bhaskararaya says that there are three modes
in the worship of the Devi-samaya, mišra and kaula.