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336 The tradition that the Devi resides in the
Vindhya mountains is again very old It is mentioned
an the Mahabharath hymns to Durga
341 The terms kşetra and ksetrajña are familiar to
us from their use in the Bhagavad Gita Chap XIII
345 Ksetrapala is Jiva
354 Pasu is a technical term for the soul in bondage
and pasa denotes the bonds
365 The grades of ananda beginning with manus
ananda and ending with Brahmananda are given in a
well known passage in the Ananda vall of the
Taittırıya Upanisad
366 The names para, pasyantı, madhyama and
vaikhari which occur in Nos 366 371 are technical
terms for the four stages of Vah (speech) according
to Sakta philosophy
375 379 The terms kama in 375 purna in 376,
Jalandhara in 378 and odhyana in 379-refer to mula
dhara anahata visuddhi and ajña chakras respectively
386 The six anges are-heart, head hair, eyes
armour and weapons Or we may take angas to mean
the well known six Vedangas The six good qualities
are-prosperity, righteousness, fame riches, wisdom
and detachment
391 The sixteen Nitvas are (1) Kamesvari (2)
Bhagamalin, (3) Nityaklinna, (4) Bherunda, (5)
Vahnısasını (6) Mahavajresviri (7) Svaduti (8)
Tvirta (9) Kulasundari, (10) Nity, (11) Nila
patakını, (12) Vijaya, (13) Sarvamingala, (14)
Jvalamalını, (15) Chitra, (16) Tripurasundari