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256 In the names 256-263 the author points out
that the Devi, like the Jiva, has different forms in the
waking, dreaming, sleeping and the turtya states At
the same time, she is also devoid of all such states
According to the Vedanta, the Jiva has in these states
the forms called vaikhanasa, taljasa, prajña, ātma
respectively, and the Supreme Spirit has the forms
called Virat, Hiranyagarbha, Isvara and Brahman
264 In the names 264-274 the author describes the
five functions of the Devi in her capacity as Iśvara
controlling Maya-vis, creation, protection, destruc-
tion, absorption and resumption The mention of the
last two is characteristic of Saiva and Sakta
280 The tradition that the Devi is the sister of
Visnu is very old The statement occurs in Arjuna's
hymn to Durga on the field of Kuruksetra
282 284 These names are, of course, reminiscent
of the opening words of the Puruşa sukta
301 The syllable hrim is interpreted to mean cren-
tion, preservation and destruction
305 Rajaraja is Kubera, But the word may also
mean an emperor
322 Kamakala-Kama here stands for both Kames-
vara and Kamesvars, and kala means manifestation.
330 Kadambari in this name and Varuni in No 333
should be taken as wine offered to the Devi by the
Kaula devotees