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Vighna-yantra was a magic figure inscribed on
a slab which was thrown by Visukra on the army of
the Devi It was broken to pieces by Ganesa
80 In the fight with the Devi, Bhanda threw upon
her army a missile called Sarvasurästra and from this
sprang up all the old Asuras like Ravana and Hiranya-
kasıpu whom Visnu had vanquished through his
Avatars To counteract this missile the Devi created
out of her own fingers' ends the Avatars of Visnu
81 It is said that Mahāpasupata is different from
Pasupata The former mantra belongs to Sadasiva,
the latter to Siva.
82 The weapon of Kamesvara is even more power-
ful than Mahapasupata Sünyaka is the capital of
Bhand "Sainika" is another reading
83. After the fight was over all the gods headed by
Brahma and Visnu waited on the Devi and praised her
84 When the gods prayed to Lalita for the life of
Manmatha, the god of love and the husband of Rati,
she was pleased to revive him
85. Now the author proceeds to describe the sūksma
(subtle) form of the Devi The subtle form is made
up of the Panchadasaksarı mantra More subtle than
that is the Kama kala-bija, and the most subtle is the
Kundalını sakt: The Panchadasaksarı mantra consists
of three kutas or sections-Vagbhava-kuta, Kama-raja-
kata or Madhya-kuta and Saktı küta. The first is a