2023-02-16 06:27:31 by ambuda-bot
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848-850 Extensive is her fame and boundless 15
her splendour-the very letters of
our lingunge denote her form
851 She gives peace to us who are afflicted
with birth, death and old age
854 856
All the Upanisads proclaim her being,
she transcends even the state of peace
She is inscrutable, she pervades all
space, she is proud of her creation
857-860 She is fond of music, she is beyond the
world of illusion, she is the goal of
life, the end of all sin
861-863 She is half the person of her Lord, she is
not subject to the law of cause and
effect, she overflows with joy in the
company of her Lord, Kamesvar
864-867 She wears in her ears ornaments of
burnished gold, she as umes in sport
any form she pleases, she is the
unborn, she is not subject to decay
868-869 Youthful and charming is she, she is
also easily pleased
870-871 Easy of worship is she for those whose
gaze is turned inwaids, and difficult
of attainment for those whose gaze
is turned outwards
872-875 She is the threefold Veda, she is implicit
in the threefold aim of life, she
resides in the three worlds, and she
is the goddess of the threefold circle
848-850 Extensive is her fame and boundless 15
her splendour-the very letters of
our lingunge denote her form
851 She gives peace to us who are afflicted
with birth, death and old age
854 856
All the Upanisads proclaim her being,
she transcends even the state of peace
She is inscrutable, she pervades all
space, she is proud of her creation
857-860 She is fond of music, she is beyond the
world of illusion, she is the goal of
life, the end of all sin
861-863 She is half the person of her Lord, she is
not subject to the law of cause and
effect, she overflows with joy in the
company of her Lord, Kamesvar
864-867 She wears in her ears ornaments of
burnished gold, she as umes in sport
any form she pleases, she is the
unborn, she is not subject to decay
868-869 Youthful and charming is she, she is
also easily pleased
870-871 Easy of worship is she for those whose
gaze is turned inwaids, and difficult
of attainment for those whose gaze
is turned outwards
872-875 She is the threefold Veda, she is implicit
in the threefold aim of life, she
resides in the three worlds, and she
is the goddess of the threefold circle