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She is both the Perishable and the Im-
perishable; she is the Ruler of all the
worlds and it is she that supports the
whole universe.
760-763. She can bestow on us the three objects
of life, she is the goddess of afflu-
ence the three-eyed goddess; and in
her the three dispositions of Nature
are in harmony.
764. She can give us both the pleasures of
Paradise and the eternal happiness of
765-768. She is pure, her complexion is of the
colour of the japa flower; she is full
of energy, full of splendour.
769-772. She is the embodiment of sacrifice; she is
fond of vows; she is hard to worship,
hard to resist.
773-776. She is fond of Patalt flowers; she is the
great goddess who resides on mount
Meru and who loves mandāra flowers.
777-780. She is worshipped by warriors, she is the
Virät; she is stainless and she faces
all directions.
781-785. She is the self within, the ethereal self; she
gives life, she is life itself; she is wor-
shipped even by Martanda Bhairava.
786-788. Her kingdom is in her minister's charge;
she is the Queen of Tripura and has
victorious armies at her command.