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735-737. She is the ground of this illusory
universe; she is the giver of salva-
tion, she is herself salvation.
She loves the rhythmic dance, she is the
creator of harmony.
740-741. She is modesty itself, and yet she is
adored by Rambha and other celestial
742-743. She is the rain of nectar that puts out
the wild fire of samsãra; and she
herself is the wild fire that burns
down the jungle of sin.
744 746. She is the wind that drives away the
flakes of misfortune; she is the sun
that lights up the gloom of old age,
and she is the moon that sets up the
tides of good fortune.
747-749. She is the cloud that makes the hearts of
her devotees dance like peacocks with
joy, she is the thunderbolt that strikes
the mountain of disease and she is the
axe that cuts down the tree of death.
750-753. She is the supreme Sovereign; she is
Mahakali; she is the great Devourer,
she is the great Destroyer.
754-756. She is Aparna, she is Chandika; she is
the destroyer of the demons Chanda
and Munda.