2023-03-13 15:42:09 by ambuda-bot
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[ गूहली कृष्णा न मङ्गलाय ६ , भारपट्टाः द्वादशहस्तप्रलम्बाः – कालेन स कोऽप्येवंविधो
न भविष्यति यो विनाशे ईदृशः प्रक्षेपयिष्यति ७] 124. 10-14 . [ Śrī Prabhā-
śankara Oghaḍabhai Silpaśāstrī of Pālitāṇā writes in his
letter dated 26-1-60 that by is meant probably some
auspicious diagram such as the svastika drawn in the cen-
tre of the floor ( of the main hall of a temple ). Generally
such a diagram made of red or yellow stone is considered
auspicious, while in the present case it might have been
made of the strips of black stone, which is inauspicious.
Even today there is a custom among the Jainas to place
fruits on a svastika-diagram made of food-grains-
especially of wheat — on a small platform-plank or stool,
especially in front of an idol or on the arrival of a pre-
ceptor, and this grain-diagram is called गहुली or घउंली which
apparently is derived from गूहली. ]
n. a square in the chess-board. 50.2. cf. Guj. घर in the same
domestic worries, house-hold responsibilities. स शालिभद्र इव
गृहव्यापारं कमपि नाकार्षीत् । किन्तु मातैव सर्वामपि गृहतंतिमकृत । 19. 5-6.
f. setting up and furnishing a ( new ) house-hold. 25.19. cf.
Guj. घर मांडवुं. Vide मण्डनिका.
n. second marriage (of a lady after the death of her husband).
एतद् भगिनीवचः श्रुत्वा मदामातौ प्रोचतुः- मन्ये स्वसस्त्वं ततः समायाता
सन्ध्यर्धम् । यतो माऽस्मद्बान्धवयोः समरारूढयोरहं निर्धवाऽभूवम् । [ एतां ] मा स्म
चिन्तां कृथाः । अनुं त्वत्पतिं हत्वापि ते चारु गृहान्तरं करिष्यावः । न च निषिद्धोऽसौ
विघिः, राजपुत्रकुलेषु दृश्यमानत्वात् । 103.30 – 104.2.
adj. received, accepted. गृहिता पण्डितेन पुस्तिका । 60.28. [ A spelling
f. going for alms (of Jaina monks). 13.13. [A Jaina
technical term. ]
the keeper of a Jaina temple. 14.2. cf. Guj. गोठी 'a paid
keeper of a Jaina temple. [A Jaina technical term.]
Vide चैत्यगोष्ठिक, vide also PC.
an assembly. तदादि राजगोष्ठीषु भ्रमति 55.5.
m. appears to be the name of one of the ruling clans on Mt.
Abu where Vastupāla and Tejaḥpāla built the famous
temple known as Lūnavasati. 122. 8.
Vide राष्ट्रि..
a mortgage. कङ्कणं ग्रहण के मुत्तवा वेश्यागृहे उषित आसीत् । 33. 8;
इदं कच्चोलकं...... राज्ञा ग्रहण केऽपिंतमासीत् । ततो राज्ञः कथं छुटितव्यम् । 76.
[ गूहली कृष्णा न मङ्गलाय ६ , भारपट्टाः द्वादशहस्तप्रलम्बाः – कालेन स कोऽप्येवंविधो
न भविष्यति यो विनाशे ईदृशः प्रक्षेपयिष्यति ७] 124. 10-14 . [ Śrī Prabhā-
śankara Oghaḍabhai Silpaśāstrī of Pālitāṇā writes in his
letter dated 26-1-60 that by is meant probably some
auspicious diagram such as the svastika drawn in the cen-
tre of the floor ( of the main hall of a temple ). Generally
such a diagram made of red or yellow stone is considered
auspicious, while in the present case it might have been
made of the strips of black stone, which is inauspicious.
Even today there is a custom among the Jainas to place
fruits on a svastika-diagram made of food-grains-
especially of wheat — on a small platform-plank or stool,
especially in front of an idol or on the arrival of a pre-
ceptor, and this grain-diagram is called गहुली or घउंली which
apparently is derived from गूहली. ]
n. a square in the chess-board. 50.2. cf. Guj. घर in the same
domestic worries, house-hold responsibilities. स शालिभद्र इव
गृहव्यापारं कमपि नाकार्षीत् । किन्तु मातैव सर्वामपि गृहतंतिमकृत । 19. 5-6.
f. setting up and furnishing a ( new ) house-hold. 25.19. cf.
Guj. घर मांडवुं. Vide मण्डनिका.
n. second marriage (of a lady after the death of her husband).
एतद् भगिनीवचः श्रुत्वा मदामातौ प्रोचतुः- मन्ये स्वसस्त्वं ततः समायाता
सन्ध्यर्धम् । यतो माऽस्मद्बान्धवयोः समरारूढयोरहं निर्धवाऽभूवम् । [ एतां ] मा स्म
चिन्तां कृथाः । अनुं त्वत्पतिं हत्वापि ते चारु गृहान्तरं करिष्यावः । न च निषिद्धोऽसौ
विघिः, राजपुत्रकुलेषु दृश्यमानत्वात् । 103.30 – 104.2.
adj. received, accepted. गृहिता पण्डितेन पुस्तिका । 60.28. [ A spelling
f. going for alms (of Jaina monks). 13.13. [A Jaina
technical term. ]
the keeper of a Jaina temple. 14.2. cf. Guj. गोठी 'a paid
keeper of a Jaina temple. [A Jaina technical term.]
Vide चैत्यगोष्ठिक, vide also PC.
an assembly. तदादि राजगोष्ठीषु भ्रमति 55.5.
m. appears to be the name of one of the ruling clans on Mt.
Abu where Vastupāla and Tejaḥpāla built the famous
temple known as Lūnavasati. 122. 8.
Vide राष्ट्रि..
a mortgage. कङ्कणं ग्रहण के मुत्तवा वेश्यागृहे उषित आसीत् । 33. 8;
इदं कच्चोलकं...... राज्ञा ग्रहण केऽपिंतमासीत् । ततो राज्ञः कथं छुटितव्यम् । 76.