2023-03-13 15:42:09 by ambuda-bot
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गायन भट्ट
विद्यासिद्धोऽप्यभिभूतः । 117 16. [ References to Gardabhīvidyā are
invariably found in numerous stories pertaining to
Kālakācārya composed in Pkt., Skt. and derived languages.
Vide Kālakakathāsangraha ed by Śrī Sārābhāī Nawāba.]
[ 1 ] n. gold (standing here for a golden ear-ring ). 31.24.
[2 ] adj. golden. 49.5.
a singer, a musician. 38.14. Vide गायन.
a village. प्रतिगामं प्रतिपुरं प्रारेभे 48.12. cf. Pkt. and Guj. गाम.
a singer. 110.20 ; 129.29. Vide गांथक, गायिन; also vide PC.
m. a reciting bard. 110.20. Vide गाथन & भट्ट,
m. same as गायन. 132.27 ; गायिनि m. 132.27.
m. Mt. Giranāra in Saturāstra. 101.7; गिरनारि ( loc. sing. of
गिरनार ) 132.13. [Skt. गिरिनगर > Pkt. गिरिनअर cf. Guj. नार
( a small town near Khambhāta ) < Pkt. नअर < Skt. नगर;
कोडिनार (a town in Saurāstra ) < Pkt. कोडिनअर < Skt. कोटिनगर.
Though originally ' गिरिनगर' meant the city ( of Jūnāgadha )
at the foot of the mountain, later on it came to mean the
mountain itself, as in mod. Guj. word ' गिरनार '.]
a Jaina monk knowing the meaning of the Śāstras, having
duly completed his studies; i.e., a learned Jaina monk.
गीतार्थयतिभिः समम् 28.30 ; गीतार्थमुनियुगलम् 33.29; तस्य राणयशोभद्रस्य
गीतार्थत्वात्सूरिपदं जातम् 46.31. [ A Jaina technical term.]
f. a pill. 36.3, 6, 19, 20; 37.30 ; गुटी 37.5.
[ 1 ]
to study by muttering. स्वर्विमानस्य विचारं गुणयन्ति 19.8;
किमेतद् गुण्यते ? 19.10.
[2 ]
to repeat ( a mantra or religious formula). नमस्कारान्
गुणय 15.9.
cf. Old Guj. गुण ' to learn (e.g. भणइ गुणइ ) ; Guj. भणवुं गणवुं
· to learn well', भण्यो-गण्यो ' learned'. Vide प्र +/ गुण्.
n.?_Gujarāta. 133.24; गौर्जरात्रं राज्यम् 128.9. [ Most probably
this is a Sanskritisation of the word
in the
local language. Elsewhere we find the word गुर्जराट; vide
e.g. Gargasamhitā, Viśvajit Khanda, VII. 1-2 :
प्रयुम्नोऽथ महावीर्यो जित्वा माहिष्मतीपतिम् ।
विकर्षन् महतीं सेनां गुर्जराटं समाययौ ॥
गुर्जराटाधिपं वीरमृष्यनाम महाबलम् ।
जग्राह सेनया काष्णिस्तुण्डयाहिं यथा विराट् ॥ ]
f. some auspicious diagram on the floor. परम: प्रासादः । परं दोषा
अपि सन्ति ।......… आकाशे जैनमुनिमूर्तिरोपणा त्वत्परं दर्शनपूजाऽल्पत्वाय ५;
गायन भट्ट
विद्यासिद्धोऽप्यभिभूतः । 117 16. [ References to Gardabhīvidyā are
invariably found in numerous stories pertaining to
Kālakācārya composed in Pkt., Skt. and derived languages.
Vide Kālakakathāsangraha ed by Śrī Sārābhāī Nawāba.]
[ 1 ] n. gold (standing here for a golden ear-ring ). 31.24.
[2 ] adj. golden. 49.5.
a singer, a musician. 38.14. Vide गायन.
a village. प्रतिगामं प्रतिपुरं प्रारेभे 48.12. cf. Pkt. and Guj. गाम.
a singer. 110.20 ; 129.29. Vide गांथक, गायिन; also vide PC.
m. a reciting bard. 110.20. Vide गाथन & भट्ट,
m. same as गायन. 132.27 ; गायिनि m. 132.27.
m. Mt. Giranāra in Saturāstra. 101.7; गिरनारि ( loc. sing. of
गिरनार ) 132.13. [Skt. गिरिनगर > Pkt. गिरिनअर cf. Guj. नार
( a small town near Khambhāta ) < Pkt. नअर < Skt. नगर;
कोडिनार (a town in Saurāstra ) < Pkt. कोडिनअर < Skt. कोटिनगर.
Though originally ' गिरिनगर' meant the city ( of Jūnāgadha )
at the foot of the mountain, later on it came to mean the
mountain itself, as in mod. Guj. word ' गिरनार '.]
a Jaina monk knowing the meaning of the Śāstras, having
duly completed his studies; i.e., a learned Jaina monk.
गीतार्थयतिभिः समम् 28.30 ; गीतार्थमुनियुगलम् 33.29; तस्य राणयशोभद्रस्य
गीतार्थत्वात्सूरिपदं जातम् 46.31. [ A Jaina technical term.]
f. a pill. 36.3, 6, 19, 20; 37.30 ; गुटी 37.5.
[ 1 ]
to study by muttering. स्वर्विमानस्य विचारं गुणयन्ति 19.8;
किमेतद् गुण्यते ? 19.10.
[2 ]
to repeat ( a mantra or religious formula). नमस्कारान्
गुणय 15.9.
cf. Old Guj. गुण ' to learn (e.g. भणइ गुणइ ) ; Guj. भणवुं गणवुं
· to learn well', भण्यो-गण्यो ' learned'. Vide प्र +/ गुण्.
n.?_Gujarāta. 133.24; गौर्जरात्रं राज्यम् 128.9. [ Most probably
this is a Sanskritisation of the word
in the
local language. Elsewhere we find the word गुर्जराट; vide
e.g. Gargasamhitā, Viśvajit Khanda, VII. 1-2 :
प्रयुम्नोऽथ महावीर्यो जित्वा माहिष्मतीपतिम् ।
विकर्षन् महतीं सेनां गुर्जराटं समाययौ ॥
गुर्जराटाधिपं वीरमृष्यनाम महाबलम् ।
जग्राह सेनया काष्णिस्तुण्डयाहिं यथा विराट् ॥ ]
f. some auspicious diagram on the floor. परम: प्रासादः । परं दोषा
अपि सन्ति ।......… आकाशे जैनमुनिमूर्तिरोपणा त्वत्परं दर्शनपूजाऽल्पत्वाय ५;