2023-02-17 10:21:00 by ambuda-bot

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not care to look at the virtues of any person says the
299. जलौष्ण्यन्यायः
Ex. उष्णत्वमग्न्यातपसम्प्रयोगाच्छैत्यं हि यत्साप्रकृतिजलस्य
- रघुवंश 5.54
The water is basically cool only. It becomes hot when
heat is applied to it. There is one natural quality in any
object and the other quality is either adopted, derived
or a temporary attribute. This is the meaning of this
300. जहत्स्वार्थवृत्तिन्यायः
Sometimes the words give up their expressed meaning
(Abhidhārtha). Just as a man working for somebody
else, gives up his own work. Similar event takes place
in semantic parlance and some secondary meaning
becomes prominent. The event is called Jahallakṣaṇā,
in which the function of the word gives up its direct
meaning. This is the intent of the maxim.
301. जहदजहत्स्वार्थवृत्तिन्यायः
When the meaning is partially given up and is retained
partially, it becomes the case of Jahadjahatsvārtha
302. जातेष्टिन्यायः
Cf. याज्ञवल्क्यस्मृति, मिताक्षरा 5.220.
'Jatakarma' rite is performed as soon as the child is
born. This is the first ceremony of the child after his
birth. Offerings are given in a sacrifice which is
performed at the time of a child's birth. But the question
is-Who is the beneficiary of the oblations offered?
the answer is the newly born child.