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278. <headword>छायापिशाचन्यायः
आत्माज्ञानमलं निरस्तममलं प्राप्तं च तत्त्वं परं

कण्ठस्थाभरणादिवद् भ्रमवशाच्छायापिशाची यथा ।

(--From the commentary of Nṛsimha Sarasvati on
ī on
Sometimes a person sees some shadow and thinks it to

be a goblin. This maxim describes some such delusion.

279. <headword>छुरिकाकूष्माण्डन्यायः
तेजसां हि न वयः समीक्ष्यते ।

- -रघुवंश XI. 1.

If a small knife can cut a big pumpkin, a small, healthy

boy can subdue a weak grown up person. This is the

import of this maxim.

280. <headword>जतुकाष्ठन्यायः
In Sanskrit, there are two types of pun-Sabhanga and

Abhanga. In Sabhanga type, one word is closely

connected with the other word (but in different sense).

That is when the two are glued together like lac and

wood, they illustrate the Sabhanga panaromasia.

281. <headword>जपास्फटिकन्यायः
Ex. यथा स्फटिके जपाकुसुमाश्रिते लौहित्यं विवेकिनां प्रतीत

एवास्ति, न वस्तुतः

एवमात्मानि ईश्वराधीने विवेकिनां कर्तृत्वं प्रतीत एवास्ति,

न वस्तुतः इति वक्तुं शक्यम्

- -मधुसूदन सरस्वती, गीताभाष्य 18.9

If a chinarose flower is kept near a crystal, the crystal

appears to have assumed red hue, though actually it

does not become red. This maxim indicates this type

of delusion.