2023-02-17 10:20:59 by ambuda-bot

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part of the body, renders the entire body fragrant.
Similarly, the self (soul residing in one part of the body)
(i-e. heart) with its existence is felt in the entire body.
264. चन्द्रचकोरन्यायः
The bird called cakora eagerly waits for the rising of
the moon, as it drinks the rays of the moon only.
It does not eat anything except the rays of the moon. If
some body waits for some particular person anxiously,
this maxim is used.
265 चन्द्रज्योत्स्नान्यायः
Cf. करिबृहितन्यायः, गजघटाव्यायः
चन्द्रज्योत्स्नाशरदि पुलिने सैकतेऽस्मिन् सरषा
वादद्यूतं चिरतमभूत् सिद्धयूनोः कयोश्चित् ।
एको वक्ति प्रथमनिहतं कैटभं कंसमन्यः
स त्वं तत्त्वं कथय भगवन् को हतस्तत्र पूर्वम् ॥
Joytsnā means moonlight only. There is no need of
using a prefix 'moon' to it. The maxim is used when
such redundancy is to be conveyed.
266. चन्द्रातपमलन्यायः
सितेतर इव त्येषः पक्षश्चित्रं न कर्षति ।
चन्द्रातपमलन्याय: प्रवासमलिनीकृतः ॥
--सा० 210
Looking at the moon and especially its black spot,
somebody points out that the moon has become black
due to tiresome journey in the sky. The moon has
offered the moonlight to the entire world and so she
has become pale and dark. The blackish, dark moon
does not appear pleasing. According to this maxim,
even a beautiful object may not be considered appealing
and beautiful all the time.