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conscious endeavour to avoid it. This maxim applies to
such situations.

such situations.
248. <headword>घरट्टन्यायः
The woricldly life cannot be agined with only one
imagined with only one
either a husband or a wife. Both are necessary for

creation and for keeping the wheel of life moving. The

maxim suggests this principle by giving the example of

a grinding stone. Grinding takes place only with the

help of two stones- one moving stone and the other a
steady one.

steady one.
249. <headword>घुणाक्षरन्यायः
- शिशुपालवध 3.68
Ex. श्रीर्निर्मिति प्राप्त घुणा क्षतैक वर्णोपमावाच्यमलं ममार्ज।

घुणोत्किरणात् कथंचिन्निष्पन्नमक्षरं घुणाक्षरम्।

तदिव यदकुशलेन दैवान्निष्पद्यते तद् घुणाक्षरीयम्

--शिशुपालवध 3.68
When the white ants attack wood. those ants go
, those ants go
on pricking inside the wood. With the dust particles

coming out of these prickings, the shape of some lines

or letters is formed incidentally. The maxim is used to

describe certain events which take place very casually
or accidentally.

or accidentally.
250 <headword>घृतकोशातकीन्यायः
Ghṛta means ghee. Kośātaki is a type of gourd.

The compound word means a gourd with ghee inside.

But actually there is no ghee inside that fruit or

vegetable. The word is a misnomer. The maxim describes

such things (or persons),) the names of which are
the names of which are
contradictory to their contents. The name of a person

is Lakṣminārāyaṇa but he has no gold on his body.