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LauWhen the water-wheel rotates, the jars attached to it,
go on moving up and down. The empty jars are filled
with water from the well and those filled with water
are emptied when they come up. This emptying and
filling of the jars continue till the water-wheel rotates.
kikannd of situation is seen in man's life also.
Happiness and sorrow, richness and povert
When the water-wheel rotates, the jars attached to it,
go on moving up and down
go on interchanging with each other
. The empty jars are filled
with water from the well and those filled with water
are emptied when they come up
No state is
permanent in the humanlife
. This emptying and
filling of the jars continue till the water-wheel rotates.
This kind of situation is seen in man's life also.
Happiness and sorrow, richness and poverty (emptiness)
go on interchanging with each other. No state is
permanent in the humanlife.

246. <headword>घटीयन्त्रस्थितघटभ्रमान्यायः
Ex. श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः

स च वायुः सूर्योदयमारभ्य सार्धघटिकाद्वयं

घटीयन्त्रस्थितघट भ्रमणन्यायेन एकैकस्यां नाड्यां भवति

एवं सत्यहर्निशं श्वासप्रश्वासयोः षट् छिताधिकैकविंशति-

सहस्राणि जायन्ते

This maxim is used when some events take place in a

revolving fashion like the pitchers fixed in the water-

wheel found in the fields.

247. <headword>घट्टकुटीप्रभातन्यायः
ननु स्फोटव्यञ्जकतापक्षोऽपि प्रागुक्ताविकल्पप्रसरेण

घटकुटीप्रभातयितमिति चेत्, तदेतत् मनोराज्यादि जृम्भणम्

This maxim is based on the event "Dawn at the toll

gate". A driver drives his vehicle in a round about

way, through lanes and bylanes in order to avoid the

payment of toll amount. He goes on travelling like that

in his vehicle and finally in the morning reaches a

place which was nothing but the toll gate only. When a

man tries consciously to avoid a particular thing

unluckily, he has to face the same event, even after his