2023-02-17 10:20:57 by ambuda-bot

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Cf. दुधाने तोड भाजले की ताक सुद्दा फुकून पितात
If a man's tongue gets scalded by sipping boiled milk,
he becomes fearfully cautious and drinks buttermilk
also by blowing air into it to make it cool. A man be-
comes overcautious when he suffers from some painful
209. क्षीरनिम्बन्यायः
The maxim tells that the original nature of a man cannot
be changed by some artificial external device, as the
bitterness of the Neem tree will not be diminished even
if milk is poured to its roots instead of water.
210. क्षीरनीरन्यायः
Ex. हंसो हि क्षीरमादत्ते तन्मिश्रा आ वर्जयत्यपः ॥
–अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम् VI.28
This milk water maxim says that when milk and water
get mixed, they become inseparable. So when things
and concepts are mixed or blended together inseparably,
they indicate "Samkara". But when two things like dal
and rice are mixed, they can be separated. This separ-
able mixture is called "Samsṛṣṭi". They are together
like the incarnation of Narasimha.
211. क्षीराब्धिवासिक्षीरकामनान्यायः
Viṣņu once slept in the ocean of milk. There was no
derth of milk for Him. But how unlucky it would be if
he had to roam about in search of milk in the times of
difficulty. Similarly, how unlucky will he be if a man
has to move about in search of something which is
found in abundance in his place?
212. खड्गकोशन्यायः
A sword is kept in a scabbard when it is not in use. If