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water to it, he closes it and turns the water to the

unirrigated part. In short, he manages to supply water

to the entire farm. So also, says this maxim, the

detachment starts from the mind and by continuous

adherence to it, it spreads through out the body and

then the Yogin witnesses a stream of detachment for his

ultimate good.

201. <headword>कैमुतिकन्यायः
कैमुत्वेनार्थसंसिद्धिः काव्यार्थपत्तिरिष्यते

स जितस्त्वन्मुखेनेन्दुदुः का वार्ता सरसीरुहाम्॥

'Kimuta' is used in the sense of 'What more needs to

be said?' It is also used as follows:--how can the lesser

persons dare do something which the eminent persons

cannot do? This is also called Käāvyārthāpatti. This

maxim can also be used to describe a situation when a

particular meaning is not conveyed by individual means.

202. <headword>कोषपानन्यायः
In the days of yore, there were many ways of torturing

a suspected criminal in which, making the culprit drink

poison was one of the ways which is mentioned in this


203. <headword>कोष्ठपानन्यायः
This maxim tells about a drunkard who asserts that he

drinks liquor in the house only. He does not drink

anywhere outside. This stealthy method of developing

vices is indicated by this maxim.

204. <headword>कौन्तेयराधेयन्यायः
Cf. राजपुत्र व्याद्दन्यायः, कर्णकौन्तेयन्यायः

Karna who was actually the son of Kunti, thought that