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'मतिरेव बलाद् गरीयसी यदभावे करिणामियं दशा।

इति घोषयतीव डिण्डिमः करिणो हस्तिपकाहतः क्वणन्

- -गुणरत्न 8; सा० 653

It is difficult to control an intoxicated elephant. It can

move anywhere and crush anything which comes in its

way. In order to ward the people off from this

intoxicated elephant, a bell is tied around its neck.

This maxim suggests that intelligence is superior to

strength. In the absence of which the elephants are

completely dependent on the driver. Despite its strength,

the intelligent driver can control the elephant. So
intelligence is superior to strength.

intelligence is superior to strength.
148. <headword>करिणीप्रसवन्यायः
A female pig gives birth to m
anya yakośa
oung ones at a time
but the
female pigelephant gives birth to manonly young ones at a time
one cubut the female elephant gives birth to only one cub.
Even then the elephant is superior to the pig

qualitatively though not quantitatively.

149 <headword>करिबृंहितन्यायः
Cf -- गजघटान्याय, नीलेन्दीवरन्याय, पर्वताधित्यकान्याय,

वाजिमन्दुरान्याय, मृगवागुरान्याय

विशिष्टवाचकानामपि पदानां सति पृथग्विशेषणवाचक

पदसमवधाने विशेष्यमात्रपरतायां करिवृहितन्यायः प्रवर्तते

-लौकिकन्याय साहस्रीतः, उद्धृतं --रघुनाथ

150. <headword>कर्कटीगर्भन्यायः
The word 'Bṛmhita' means the trumpeting of an

elephant. The word 'kari' is redundant. The prefixed

word may indicate some speciality of trumpeting. There

are many adages or maxims like this.

When karkaṭī tree bears fruit, it also bears some other