2023-02-17 10:20:53 by ambuda-bot

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141. करटदन्तन्यायः
Counting the teeth of the crow is a useless endeavour.
This maxim is applied for wasting time in doing such a
useless task.
142. करदीपिकान्यायः
This maxim suggests that if one has got a lamp in
one's hand, it becomes useful to oneself as well as to
others also.
143. करबदरन्यायः
A Badari fruit in the hand is clearly visible. This maxim
applies to those things which are clearly visible or
144. करभदोहदन्यायः
If we have a cow which yields milk, why should we
try to milch a female camel or a female ass?
This maxim suggests that when excellent devices are
available, one should not think of using ordinary devices.
145 करभपृष्ठकण्ठन्यायः
A camel is known as a beast of burden. It carries huge
luggage on its back. But the things which cannot be
put on its back, are put around its neck. It has to carry
huge burden which is inevitable, a beast of burdon has
to suffer.
146. करिकलभन्यायः
When the word 'kalabha' is used, it means a young
one of an elephant. The word 'Kari' in 'karikalabha' is
redundant. Such redundant usages are frequently found
in the language. But there is no necessity of this kind
of usage. However, sometimes some reason can be
assigned to such redundants.