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Even if a wood-apple fruit is broken, it does not yield

any substantial matter, as it is almost hollow inside.

Too much of analysis leads to disappointment.

This maxim is used in the Sanskrit drama "Mṛchha

ika". cConsidering the caste of somebody is as useless

as breaking the wood-apple fruit.

137. <headword>कफोणिगुडन्यायः
This maxim suggests two meanings.

(i) To ask somebody to lick the jaggery, kept on his

elbow which is impossible,

To act or pretend the licking of jaggery, even

though it is not actually placed on the elbow.

138. <headword>कमठीदुग्धन्यायः
This maxim is applied to those futile cases like the

milk of a female tortoise which cannot even be imagined
as drinkable.

as drinkable.
139. <headword>कम्बलनिर्णेजनन्यायः
निर्णेजनं हृयुभयं करोति कम्बलशुद्धिं पादयोश्च निर्मलताम्।

- -शाबरभाष्य, जैमिनि 2.25

While washing a blanket, even the feet of the

washerman are washed or cleaned. This maxim is
applied to the situation in which two works are
accomplished at a time.

applied to the situation in which two works are
accomplished at a time.
140. <headword>करकङ्कणन्यायः
(I) The word "Karakankaņa" the word kara is redun-

dant. Even the word karakankaṇa is in currency,

probably suggesting that the bracelet is worn on the

wrist and not placed in the ornament-box.