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the marriage, she used to go to her husband's house,

leaving the house of her parents. She thus used to get a

long lasting support.

122. <headword>ऋतुलिङ्गन्यायः
A particulars verse related to the seasons occurs in

many works. The verse is as follows-
यथार्तावृतुलिङ्गानि नानारूपाणि पर्यये

दृश्यन्ते तानि तान्येव, यथा भावा युगदिषु

- -महाभारत, शान्ति० 233.15; तन्त्रवार्तिक 1.37; वेदान्तसूत्र

1.3.30; वायुपुराण 9.65; विष्णुपुराण 1.5.61.

123. <headword>एकदेशाविकृतन्यायः
Even if a tail or an ear of a dog is cut off, the dog

remains a dog only. If a limb of a man is broken, he

remains the same. His original nature remains


124. <headword>एकपुत्रन्यायः
(i) वरमेको गुणी पुत्रो न च मूर्खशतान्यपि

एकश्चन्द्रस्तमो हन्ति न च तारागणोऽपि च

एकेनापि सुपुत्रेण सिंही स्वपिति निर्भयम्।

सदैव दशभिः पुत्रर्भारं वहति रासभी

- -सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागार 6,7/90.

It is better to have one good, meritorious, virtuous son

than having hundreds of bad, wicked and unrighteous

sons. It is the virtue or the good behaviour which

makes a man strong and popular in society and not the

physical number.

125. <headword>एकवृन्तगतफलद्वयन्यायः
इह हि सभङ्गश्लेषस्य शब्दद्वयवृत्तित्वं जतुकाष्ठन्यायेन, अभङ्गस्य

चार्थद्वयवृत्तित्वमेकवृन्तगतफलद्वयवच्च स्फुटमेव

- -रसगङ्गाधर, पृ० 536