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applies to a man also. The maxim tells that a man can

be brought to book by thrashing.

117. <headword>उषरबीजन्यायः
If a seed is sown on a barren land, it will not germinate,

even though the land receives heavy rains. The maxim

can be extended to human beings also. A man lacking

good Samskāras, does not show any good results.

118. <headword>उषरवृष्टिन्यायः
Even though showers of heavy rain fall on the barren

and salty land, nothing can grow on such a land.

It does not serve any purpose of germinating the seed

on this unfertile land. Similarly, even if many facilities

are provided to a dull-witted student, they are of no

use. Such a student will not increase his knowledge

despite giving him all kinds of facilities.

119. <headword>उर्णनाभिन्यायः
A spider spreads a net with the help of some sticky

substance and unwinds it in the same manner. The

Almighty also, creates the world through his own Self

and withdraws it in his own body. The maxim tells us

that creation and dissolution of this world take place
s place
exactly like the mode or fashion of the spider.

120. <headword>ऊहापोहन्यायः
ha is inference and Apoha is setting aside, removing

Any polemic dispute proceeds on the two prongs. This

procedure is the very disputation itself, as the maxim

- -सा० 920

121. <headword>ऋतुमतीकन्यकान्यायः
In olden days. the marriage preparations used to start
, the marriage preparations used to start
when the girl used to attain the age of puberty. After