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in turn, complained that it receives strokikanyāyakośa
in turn
es from both
the sides. The maxim suggests that everybody suffers
in life but he carries an impression that he suffers
, complained that it receives strokes from both
the sides. The maxin suggests that everybody suffers
in life but he carries an impression that he suffers
heavily, more than anybody else.
more than anybody else.
114. <headword>उष्ट्रकण्टकभक्षणन्यायः
Ex. कर्णामृतं सूक्तिरसं विमुच्य दोषेषु यत्नः सुमहान् खलस्य

अवेक्षते केलिवनं प्रविश्य क्रमेलकः कण्टकजालमेव

-- विक्रम० 1.4

A camel eats the leaves of the thorny trees. Even though

he is left in a beautiful garden, he searches for the

thorny tree and eats the leaves of that tree only. In the

society also, the wicked persons take pleasure in

pointing out the faults of others. The maxim suggests

that nothing is painful or delightful by itself. Everybody

does not like everything. There is subjective element

in all likes and dislikes.

115. <headword>उष्ट्रलगुडन्यायः
अयं हि स्वमते परेणोद्भाव्यमानानां दूषणानां तन्मते


-- लौ० न्यायः

A person puts some load on the back of a camel and

continues his journey. Sometimes he puts a stick on

the loaded matter. The camel carries that stick also.

But if the occasion arises, the owner hits it with it.

A rival may use the arguments already advanced by

the disputant against him also.

116. <headword>उष्ट्रशूलन्यायः
If a camel suffers from the stomache-ache, what should

be done? What is the remedy?? Which medicine should

be given? Nothing much. Take a big pestle and beat

the camel with it. Everything becomes all right. This