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the initial force or application of a man goes on

decreasing as time passes off.

107. <headword>उत्खातदंष्ट्रोरगन्यायः
When the poisonous fang of a serpent is removed, the

serpent cannot bite a person. Even if it tries to bite, it

is of no use. It becomes useless. The maxim tells that if

certain powerful limb of a person becomes useless, he

cannot perform his duties in the proper manner. When

that limb is cut off, it is useless like the slough of the

108. <headword>उदकनिमज्जनन्यायः
Cf. विषभक्षणन्यायः, घटारोहणनयायः, तप्तमाक्षिकोद्धरणन्यायः

Water drunk in a limited quantity, quenches the thirst

of a person. But when he thinks that there is plenty of

water in a reservoir or a pond, he jumps into it. Then

that water becomes his killer. The maxim tells that

limited use of anything may be beneficial but use of it

in excessive quantity becomes fatally dangerous.

109. उदके (उदक) विशीर्ण इति न्यायः

Water and fire are useful in their own separate existence.

If fire is thrown in water or if water is sprinkled on

fire, both ways the fire extinguishes and the water

evaporates. When fire and water are brought near each

other, they see their own end. This maxim envisages

fruitless or useless work. (like bringing hostile elements


110. <headword>उद्योगराघवन्यायः
Rāma had resolved to discover Sītā and bring about

the end of Rāvaṇa. On knowing his pious intention, all

the semi-gods and even the monkeys extended their