2023-02-17 10:20:52 by ambuda-bot

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103. इन्दुक्ष्वेडन्यायः
Śiva holds Ganga on his head and poison in the throat.
Likewise, a wise and intelligent man accepts both
merits and faults. He appreciates the virtues of others
and ignores their faults. As Śiva conceals the poison in
the throat and holds Ganga in a prominent position, a
good man conceals the defects and displays the virtues
of others.
104. इन्द्रजालन्यायः
Ex. एतस्मात् किमितेन्द्रजालनपरं यद्गर्भवासस्थितं
रेतश्चेतति हस्तमस्तकपदप्रोदभूतनानाङ्कुरम्।
पर्याये शिशुवयौवनजरावेषैरनेकैर्वृतं
पश्यत्यत्ति शृणोति जिघ्रति तथाऽगच्छत्ययो गच्छति ॥
Indrajala means a magical net. It also means a skilful
method by which one thing is shown to be different. It
is incomprehensible how a magician changes one thing
into some other thing. Like wise, even the life of a
man is also mystical and incomprehensible, right from
his birth upto his death.
105. इषुकारन्यायः
A craftsman who manufactures arrows, is much
engrossed in doing his work. He does not notice
anything what is going on around him or who is coming
and who is going. This maxim hints at such one-
pointed enrapt attention in any work.
106. इषुवेगक्षयन्यायः
The arrow which is shot with great speed at the
beginning, gets its speed reduced gradually. Similarly
a man starts to do some work energetically but his
enthusiasm decreases gradually. The maxim tells that