2023-02-17 10:20:50 by ambuda-bot

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Vaisasa is killing. A hen can be killed for consumption
or it may be preserved for getting its eggs. It cannot be
killed in half and preserved in its half. Half killing is
foolish or dangerous, as this maxim suggests.
72. अलाबुपाषाणन्यायः
When a firebrand is rotated, different circular figures
are created. Some perceive these figures by rotating
the firebrand as goblins or ghosts. But nobody has
actually seen the goblin though much has been talked
about them. This maxim is applicable to such false
If a gourd is found inside a hard, thick rock, it will be
as hard and thick as a rock. The company determines
the qualities of a thing and shapes it accordingly.
Cf. कूपमण्डूकन्यायः
The maxim implies that the circumstances play a key
role for changing the nature of a person. A man
becomes broadminded or narrowminded according to
the situation in which he is brought up, as a tortoise,
living in a small puddle thinks that it is its world.
74. अवयवप्रसिद्धि- समुदायप्रसिद्धिन्यायः
Cf. जरामांसीन्यायः, रथन्तरन्याय: Example लब्धामिका हि
समुदाय प्रसिद्धिरवयवप्रसिद्धिं बाधते । तस्यास्त्वात्मलाभो यत्र
प्रमाणान्तरेण पूर्वानुभूतावयवरहितेऽर्थे शब्द प्रयोगो द्दश्यते।
यथा अश्वकर्णत्वरहिते वृक्ष अश्वकर्णशब्दस्य ।
- तन्त्रवार्तिक I.4.11
If a compound (in Sanskrit language) is constituted of
many words, having different meanings, the compound