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57. <headword>अभ्यर्हितपूर्वन्यायः
Ex. अभ्यर्हितं पूर्वमिति न्यायमाश्रत्यं तन्त्रप्रसङ्गप्रतिपादकथोरेकादश
द्वादश द्वादशाध्यायोः पूर्वोत्तरभाव उपपादित : जैमिनीयन्यायमाला विस्तार-
This maxim advises a man to mention first whatever is
proper and desirable.
58. <headword>अभ्युपगमसिद्धांतन्यायः
Ex. अभ्यर्हितं पूर्वमिति न्यायमाश्रत्यं तन्त्रप्रसङ्गप्रतिपादकथोरेकादश
द्वादश द्वादशाध्यायोः पूर्वोत्तरभाव उपपादित : जैमिनीयन्यायमाला विस्तार-
This maxim advises a man to mention first whatever is
proper and desirable.
Ex. अम्बुनि मज्जन्त्यलाबूनि, ग्रावाण: प्लवन्ते ।

This maxim is applicable to the words which are

blatantly false or directly against the facts.

59. <headword>
सदा मनोज्ञं स्तनदुत्सवोत्सुकं



प्रवृत्तनृत्यं कुलमद्य बर्हिणाम्

- -ऋतुसंहार 2.6

The peacocks begin to dance on seeing the clouds in

the rainy season. The mutual relation between the

clouds and the peacocks is not clear. Similarly, a person

is delighted on seeing another, though the reason is

not apparent. This unknown cause of pleasure or

happiness is what the maxim wants to speak about.

60. <headword>
अयस्कान्त (सूचि) न्यायः
Example अयस्कान्तवद्रूपादिवच्च प्रवृतिरहिताष्वादपि प्रर्वतकादि

ब्रह्मसूत्रशङ्करभाष्य II.2.2

A magnet attracts an iron piece without actually doing

anything. The puruṣa of the Saāmkhya philosophy makes

the Prakṛti active without any action on his part. This