2023-02-17 10:20:50 by ambuda-bot

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52. अपृच्छोत्तरन्यार:
retains his good or bad quality marks or impressions
in the original place.
The maxim observes that answering an unasked
question is the sign of lack of discretion.
54. अब्धिफेनादिन्यायः
The maxim observes that there is some chance of
prohibition when one sentence is related to the other.
There is no possibility of any prohibition in connection
with the unconnected sentences.
The waves and the foam which arise in the ocean,
appear to be different from the sea. The projective
illusion in the ocean makes foam and waves appear
differently. The same mayā or delusion displays many
worldly things in the Brahman. The extension in the
form and name is illusory. This is the main thrust of
the present maxim.
- सा० 636
3: "Drinking water only."
Not drinking water may happen in two ways-
i) Not drinking water after taking food or
ii) Not drinking water at all.
This maxim describes the tendency of a frustrated man.
When he is unsuccessful in obtaining something,
consoles himself saying "Good, I did not get the thing.
But actually I do not need that thing at all."
"Grapes are sour" to the fox which could not get the
grapes even after many trials.
This indirectly lays down the prohibition of no: eating