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47. <headword>अन्धानन्धन्यायः</headword>
तं वा एतं सेतुं तीर्त्वाऽन्धः सन्ननन्धो भवति।
--छान्दोग्य उप० 8.4.1
A blindman may have his sight restored. This maxim
is used in the case of a person who gets enlightenment
when his ignorance disappears.
48. <headword>अन्धाश्वमौलिन्यायः</headword>
This maxim tells that physical deformity of a man does
not prove to be an impediment in his eating habits. Even
a blind horse eats well.
49. <headword>अन्यकारुकान्यायः</headword>
A person, born in bad atmosphere, cherishes bad
sentiments only, as an insect which takes its birth in
dirt, eats rubbish only.
50. <headword>अपराह्नछायान्यायः</headword>
आरम्भगुर्वी क्षयिणी क्रमेण
लध्वी पुरा वृद्धिमती च पश्चात्।
दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभिन्ना
छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम्॥
--भर्तृहरि, नीतिशतक, 49; सा० 332
This maxim is based on the shadow in the afternoon
which grows in length till the evening and then becomes
weak slowly thereafter. Similarly the company of the
wicked is very intimate in the beginning but gets reduced
in the course of time.
51. <headword>अपसारिताग्निभूतलन्याय:</headword> Cf. चम्पकपटन्यायः
Though fire is shifted from one place to another, the
original place remains warm for sometime. Similarly,
the maxim says that a man may change his place but