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752. <headword>स्वप्रकाशाश्रयन्यायः
Though the sun and the sunlight are different, there is

a similarity of light or brilliance in them. Therefore,

both are supposed to be the same, as they are

inseparable. The maxim hints at such inseparable quality.

753. <headword>स्वभावसिद्धन्यायः
घुष्टं घुष्टं पुनरपि पुनश्चन्दनं चारुगन्धं

छिन्नं छिन्नं पुनरपि स्वादु चैवेक्षुकाण्डम्

दग्धं दग्धं पुनरपि पुनः काञ्चनं कान्तवर्णं

न प्राणान्ते प्रकृतिविकृतिर्जायते द्युत्तमानाम्

The sandalwood does not give up its fragrance, even
though it is rubbed, bro
en, cut or pasted. The sandalwood gold
does not give up its fragrance,lustre or shining even
though it is rubbed, broken, cut or pasted. The gold
does not give up its lustre or shining even though it is
though it is
burnt in the burning fire. Similarly, the good people

do not give up their nature though put to excruciating

trouble. On the strength of these examples the maxim

speaks about the good behaviour of greatmen.
754. <headword>स्वेदजनिमित्तशाटिकत्यागन्यायः
The insects take their rise in sweat. The clothes are

affected by these worms and they are seen occupying

all the clothes. Then how thoughtless the act of

throwing away all the clothes will be! The maxim is
applied to such thoughtless action.

applied to such thoughtless action.
755. <headword>हंसकाकन्यायः
इभतुरग - शतैः प्रयान्ति मूढा

गुणवन्तो विबुधाश्चलन्ति पद्भ्याम्

गिरिशिखरगतापि काकपङिक्तः

पुलिनगतैर्न समेति राजहंसैः

A swan may be sitting on the sands down below, while